Introduction to Criminal Investigations

Lesson 2: Documentation

Instructor Bio
Lesson 1: Overview
Lesson 2: Documentation
Lesson 03: Searches
Lesson 4: Physical Evidence
Lesson 5: Obtaining Information
Lesson 6: Identifying and Arresting Suspects
Lesson 7: Death Investigations
Lesson 8: Selected Investigations I
Lesson 9: Selected Investigations II
Lesson 10: Selected Investigations III
Lesson 11: Preparing for Court

1.      Lesson 02: Documentation

(Chapter 2 of Bennett/Hess text)


2.      Overview

n  Documentation of a criminal investigation is one of the most important aspects of the process

n  Documentation can be done through…

n  Notes

n  Sketches

n  Photographs/video


3.      Field Notes

n  Investigative notes are a permanent written record of the facts of a case to be used in further investigation, in writing reports, and in prosecuting the case

n  Start taking notes as soon as possible after receiving a call to respond

n  Record all information that helps to answer the questions:  Who? What? Where? How? Why?

n  Include everything an investigator does in an official capacity, from start to finish.

n  Include all facts, not matter where they might lead.

n  Use a notebook. A tape recorder does not replace a notebook.


4.      Importance of Field Notes

n  Field notes are more reliable than an officer’s memory

n  Field notes are the primary information source for the police report

n  Detailed field notes may reduce the need to re-contact the parties involved

n  Field notes can be used to defend the integrity of the police report


5.      Effective Field Notes

n  Notes should describe the scene and the events well enough to enable a prosecutor, judge, or jury to visualize them. The basics…

n  Record facts accurately.

n  Be as specific as possible.

n  Take enough time to write legibly and clearly.

n  Notes need to be well organized.

n  Do not include things in the notes that are not a part of the investigation (friend’s phone number, grocery list, etc.)


6.      Photographs and Video

n  Photographs and video are important for reproducing the crime scene in detail for presentation to the prosecution, defense, witnesses, judge and jury in court. They are used in investigating, prosecuting and police training.

n  They do not replace the need for a crime scene sketch.


7.      Photographs

n  Advantages

n  They can be taken immediately

n  Accurately depict the crime scene and evidence

n  Create interest

n  Increase attention to testimony

n  Disadvantages

n  Not selective

n  Do not show actual distances

n  May be distorted

n  Mechanical errors in shooting or processing


8.      Tip: Move From The General To The Specific

n  Take long range, exterior, overall photographs first.


n Take medium range photographs next.

n  Take close range photographs last.


9.      More Tips…

n   Take a sufficient number to reconstruct entire scene.

n   Overlap photographs.

n   Photograph all doors and exits

n   Photograph lines of approach and flight, if known


10.  And More Tips…

n  Keep a photographic log

n  Be careful not to disturb evidence.

n  Take at least two shots of each items of evidence. One- of the item of evidence by itself. One- with a marker to reflect size.


11.  And Finally….


n  If something was moved before you arrived, don't try to reconstruct the scene as it was. 


n  The photographs should show the scene as you found it.


12.  Immersive Imaging

n  A type of computer software that stitches together digital photos of 180 degrees or more to create one 360 degree photo


13.  Types of Investigative Photography

n  Crime Scene

n  Surveillance

n  Aerial

n  Night

n  Laboratory

n  Line-up

n  Mug shot


14.  Photograph Terminology

n  Material Photography---relates to a specific case and subject

n  Relevant Photograph---helps explain testimony

n  Competent photography---accurately represents what it purports to represent


15.  Photography Equipment

n  35 mm camera

n  Video recorder

n  Digital camera

n  Tripod

n  Scales, markers, and/or rulers

n  Supplemental lighting


16.  Crime Scene Sketches

n  Accurately portrays the facts

n  Relates to the sequence of events at the scene

n  Establishes the precise location and relationship of objects and evidence

n  Helps create a mental picture of the scene

n  Is a permanent record of the scene

n  Is usually admissible in court


17.  Sketching



n   Assists in interviews and interrogations.

n   Assists in preparing the investigative report.

n   Assists in presenting the case in court.




Observe and plan


Measure distances


Outline the area


Locate objects and evidence within the outline


Record details


Complete a finished sketch (with legend)


18.  Plotting Methods

n  Rectangular-coordinate method---locates objects by using adjacent walls as fixed points of reference at right angles

n  Baseline method---establishes a straight line from one fixed point to another, from which measurements are taken at right angles

n  Triangulation method---uses straight-line measurements from two fixed objects to the evidence to create a triangle with the evidence in the angle formed by the straight lines


n  Rough Sketches


19.  Rough sketches:

n  Are pencil (or pen) drawn at the scene,

n  Usually not drawn to scale but distances are measured and entered

n  Final Sketches


20.  Final sketches:

n   Are based on the rough sketch

n   Are completed by an investigator or drafter at a later time

n   Shows the precise distance and location of objects in question

n   Sometimes called finished scaled drawings (if the sketch is drawn to scale)


1.      Lesson 02: Documentation

(Chapter 03 of Bennett/Hess text)


2.      Report Writing

nAlmost everything that a police officer does must be reduced to writing

nReports are permanent written records of important facts of a case to be used in the future

nGood reports begin with good field notes

nAn officer’s or detective’s credibility and reputation can be negatively impacted by his/her inability to write effective reports


3.      Uses of Police Reports

nExamine the past

nKeep other officers informed

nContinue investigations

nPrepare court cases

nProvide court with relevant facts

nCoordinate law enforcement activities

nPlan for future law enforcement services

nEvaluate performance of officer/department

nRefresh witness or officer’s memory

nCompile crime statistics

nProvide information to insurance investigators


4.      Reports are read by….

nOther officers, supervisors, attorneys, judges, jurors, city officials, insurance investigators, citizens, and reporters!

nAn officer’s or detective’s credibility and reputation can be destroyed by his/her inability to write effective reports


5.      Common Types


n Two common types of police reports:

nIncident report: Initial official police report documenting crimes and other reported incidents that are usually written from the field notes.

nSupplemental report: Official police report that is necessary for the purpose of keeping an investigative file or case current as new or corrected information is gathered. These are also usually written from field notes.


6.      Incident Report

nThe incident report may also be referred to by a variety of other names. The names vary by police agency. Some examples include:

nOffense report

nCrime report

nUniform offense report

nPreliminary investigative report


7.      Incident Report


They generally provide information regarding:

n   Suspects: Additional information about suspects.

n   Witnesses: Information from witnesses, including their descriptions of events and things as they experienced them through their four senses.

n   Evidence: The evidence seized or collected, how it was marked, the chain of custody, and numbers assigned by the property or evidence control room is recorded.

n   Interviews: All persons with whom the investigator talked during the course of the inquiry should be identified, even if they could not provide information at the initial contact.

n   Investigation: A short description of the crime scene may be given to permit a basic conceptualization of it by persons to whom it is unfamiliar.

n   Reconstruction: The reconstruction is a narration of the probable manner in which the crime was committed, based on interviews, evidence and examination of the scene.


8.      Incident Report

nCommon disposition of incident reports:

nRetained for further investigation (open)



nReferred to other divisions for follow up


9.      Supplemental Reports

nThe supplemental report may also be referred to by a variety of other names. The names vary by police agency. Some examples include:

n  Follow-up report

n  Follow-up investigative report

n  Investigative report


10.  Supplemental Reports

Supplemental or follow up reports should:

nBe in chronological order beginning with a paragraph of date, time, type of offense, and how you became involved

nRecord what witnesses, victims, suspects, others say.

nRecord all actions taken.

nClose with the disposition of the case.


11.  Common Problems in Police Reports

nConfusing or unclear sentences

nConclusions, assumption, and opinions

nWordiness and overuse of police jargon

nMissing/incomplete information

nMisspelled words and grammatical errors

nReferring to ‘above’ information


12.  Characteristics of Effective Reports

nUse short paragraphs with one subject per paragraph.

nUse the past tense.

nUse the first person to refer to yourself.

nObjective. Avoid giving opinions/conclusions.


nUse clear sentences.

nGrammatically and mechanically correct.


nReader friendly. (Consider who will read the report.)


13.  Purpose

nThe basic purpose of an investigative report is to record the facts…..

nFact- a statement that can be proven  (true or false!)

nInference- a conclusion based on reasoning

nOpinion- a personal belief

nReports must also be objective, which means being non-opinionated, fair, and impartial